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Advantages of Having Work-From-Home Call Agents

December 4, 2023

As remote work becomes increasingly popular, many call centers are now adopting a work-from-home model for their agents. At Call Management Resources, we’ve been a fully remote workforce for over 6 years. 

This model offers several benefits that traditional call centers may not have.

Higher Retention of Call Agents

One of the biggest benefits of having a work-from-home call center is that it increases the retention of call agents. When employees have the flexibility to work from home, they’re more likely to stick around for longer periods of time, reducing the costs associated with recruiting, hiring, and training new agents. At Call Management Resources, it is not uncommon for our agents to work for us for over 5 years; something unheard of in the call center industry. 

By offering a flexible work environment, our employees feel valued, and their loyalty to the company increases. 

Bearded Call AgentEasier Staffing

Having work-from-home call agents makes staffing easier. We can tap into a larger pool of potential employees by not being limited by geographical location. This allows for more diverse and talented agents who are a good fit for Call Management Resources.

Because agents don’t have to travel to a physical call center, if we have unusual spikes in call volume, we can bring on unscheduled staff quickly and efficiently. More staff when call volume is high means less hold times and better customer service for our client’s callers.

Managing Agents and Quality Control is the Same

Another advantage of having work-from-home call agents is that managing them is the same as managing traditional in-office agents. With today’s technology, it’s easy to monitor and manage agents regardless of their location. We use a variety of tools and remote monitoring to keep agents on track and ensure that they’re meeting our strict quality standards. 

Our requirements for our agent’s working environment include a dedicated space in their home while they are doing work and high-speed internet. These requirements ensure that there are no background noises and that calls are handled with seamless technology; something a physical call center location can not match.

 Additionally, we offer better training options for agents as they can access training modules and resources from their homes, allowing for more flexible learning.

Remote Workforce Equals Increased Redundancy

Our work-from-home call center model also offers increased redundancy. In a traditional call center, if there’s a power outage, a natural disaster, or another significant disruption, agents may not be able to work. However, Call Management Resources’ 100% US-based agents can work from anywhere in the United States. This allows for more reliable service to customers, even in the event of a significant disruption.

Our work-from-home call center model offers several advantages, including increased retention of call agents, easy management, and increased redundancy but what it means for our clients is that their customer’s calls are always answered by skilled call agents, day or night.

By adopting a work-from-home model, we have improved our employee retention rates and provided better service to our client’s callers. Since 1959, we have been answering calls and we know that transitioning to remote call agents has been a great benefit to our clients and their callers. 

Contact us today to learn how we can improve your customer service with our call answering solutions.