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An Answer Service is the Solution for Your Law Firm’s After-Hour Headaches

February 21, 2020

The law is a noble profession and one which can be highly rewarding and lucrative for those who combine their passion for helping people with their knowledge of the law and its intricacies. However, even the most skilled courtroom practitioner can find it a bumpy road when managing the logistics of running a busy law office.

In many ways, legal practices are just like any other small business. As they grow and expand, they can quickly become victims of their own success. As your firm’s reputation grows, you may find that you are buried not only under an avalanche of paperwork but wading through a deluge of missed calls, emails and messages. It’s all too easy to find yourself spending more time playing catch-up with missed calls and less time on what matters most – your billable hours.

That’s where we come in!

How we can help

At Call Management Resources we understand the unique challenges inherent in the practice of law and have developed a range of effective solutions to help lawyers struggling with the logistics of running a busy practice. With our help, you can avoid fielding all your after-hour client calls, focusing on the clients that have the most pressing needs and usher in a new era of productivity and profitability!

Fast responses with no hold times!

We know how competitive the legal profession can be. If you’re not available to pick up your phone, your prospective client is more likely to call your next competitor than wait around for you. That’s why we offer a fast response. We strive to answer in three rings or less.

Specialized call screening

Your priorities are our priorities. We can set up specialized call screening to help you to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to your incoming calls. With our specialized call screenings, you’ll get the highest priority calls first to help you to build your practice on the cases that matter the most to you while we take messages for the rest.

Customized message delivery

We know that busy attorneys are always on the go. That’s why we have the facilities to deliver messages to you whenever you want, wherever you are and on whatever device you’re using.

Expert live answer agents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

We understand how off-putting it may be for your clients to hear an automated message when they call. Fortunately, that need never be an issue for you. With the help of our expert live agents, your clients can get US-based call center agents that will delight your clients while you’re busy in court or even tucked up in bed.

Customized scripts with emergency dispatching and escalation

You get complete autonomy over our agents’ scripts to provide an accurate reflection of your practice’s exacting standards. Based on this script we can determine emergency cases based on parameters agreed with you and escalate them accordingly.

All on Billable Hours

We provide you with expert time billing reports so that you can easily bill your clients for the time we spend on the calls. Let your client pay for your answering solution and let us help you make money.

If you’d like to know more about how we can serve the specialist needs of your legal firm and arrange a consultation click here. We can’t wait to start working with you.