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How We Price Your Service Package

January 22, 2024

Call Center Woman

When it comes to answering services, Call Management Resources understands that pricing is a critical factor for businesses looking to outsource their call-handling needs. We believe in providing transparent pricing structures that are fair and competitive, while still maintaining our high level of service quality.

Our pricing model is based on three main factors: a monthly package fee with included minutes, an additional per-minute fee for minutes above your monthly package and the complexity of the account and integrations.

Monthly Package Fee:

We offer various package options to fit the unique needs of your business. Our packages range from basic to premium, with varying features, services and included minutes. The monthly fee is determined by the package you choose, with higher-tier packages including more features, services and included minutes. Higher-tire packages also include an incremental discount for additional minutes above your included package minutes. We work with you to determine which package best suits your needs, budget and call volume.

We understand that call volumes can fluctuate over time, and we want to ensure that our customers are only paying for the services they need. That’s why we monitor usage closely and provide options for our customers to upgrade or downgrade their package to account for over-usage or under-usage. If you find that you are consistently exceeding your package’s allotted minutes, we will work with you to determine if an upgrade to a higher-tier package is necessary. Conversely, if you find that you are consistently underutilizing your current package, we can help you downgrade to a more cost-effective option. Our goal is to ensure that our customers are getting the most value out of their package, while still receiving the highest level of service quality.

Additional Minute Fee:

In addition to the monthly package fee, we charge an additional per-minute fee for calls that exceed your package’s allotted minutes. This fee varies depending on the package you select, with higher-tier packages offering a lower per-minute rate. We believe in fair billing practices, which is why we bill by the second, not the minute. This ensures that you are only charged for the time that our agents are actively handling your calls.

The Complexity of Account and Integrations:

Some businesses have more complex call-handling needs than others. If your business requires custom scripting, advanced call routing or integrations with other software or platforms, we may need to charge an additional package fee to account for the extra time and resources required to set up, train and maintain your account. We work with you to determine if additional fees will be required and provide a transparent breakdown of the costs involved.

At Call Management Resources, we understand that every business has different call-handling needs and budgets. That’s why we offer flexible pricing options that can be tailored to fit your unique requirements. We aim to provide high-quality answering services at a fair and transparent price, without any hidden fees or charges. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you streamline your call-handling processes while staying within your budget.