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No Average Call – How The Modern Answering Service Grows Your Business

June 10, 2019

Answering Services Make You Money!

When Call Management Resources started over 60 years ago, our office was filled with switchboards and messages were taken by paper. Simple message taking is what you may think of when thinking of an answering service. Think again!

With many technological advances, the modern answering service has transformed into an advanced call center operation, giving clients endless options for call handling; customizing solutions from a one-person small business to large corporations.

Because of the ability for an answering service to become a full extension of your business, capturing leads and gaining you new customers, the modern answering service is no longer an expense for a business but a profit center that can greatly increase your bottom line.

Here are just a few of the many call applications a modern answering service like Call Management Resources can do for your company….

Make More Money with Order Taking and Customer Service

How are you currently handling customer service? Are you providing a call option for ordering products from your company? While many people prefer to order products and find company information online, research shows that when a customer is confused with the order process or has trouble finding information, they prefer to talk with a live person.

With an answering service partner like Call Management Resources, we can access information screens (and even your system) for your company to answer a client’s questions and take orders over the phone. Don’t lose a potential customer from ordering confusion; gain business with a partner like Call Management Resources answering your phone 24/7.

Save Time with Human Resource Solutions

Many human resource calls involve taking and giving information; calls that are ideal for a modern answering service. Clients of Call Management Resources partner with us to provide attendance management solutions where we take call-off calls, send information to the department manager and find on-call employees to cover the shift.

How often do you have to field benefits administration calls from employees? Call Management Resources can answer basic insurance coverage questions.

Pre-employment information gathering or phone interviews taking a lot of HR’s time? A modern answering service like Call Management Resources can take those calls and send you the information in the format you need it.

Faster Service and Happier Customer with Service Requests and Dispatching

Do you provide 24/7 service and/or repairs for your customers? A modern answering service can take potential client calls, ask questions related to services needed and dispatch technicians to service the client anytime day or night.

Clients expect to reach your business when they need service. Partnering with an answering service to field your calls and dispatch employees can solve the headache of answering that phone overnight or 24/7.

Be More Efficient with Warranty Claims and Qualifications

Warranty claims often involve a list of questions for the caller and conditions in order for the caller to receive the benefits of the coverage. Call Management Resources can take these calls for your company, ask the customer qualifying questions and, if coverage is valid, issue coverage information or dispatch service personnel.

The Possibilities are Endless!

If you ask it on the phone, we can as well! As long as we have the information provided by you, we can give the information to your customers. Need the information we take distributed to specific staff at prescribed times? That’s no problem with our error-free dispatching and information processing procedures. Quite simply, if you can think of it for your phone calls, Call Management Resources can do it.