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Plan for These 2021 Business Trends

February 25, 2021

At Call Management Resources, we work with almost every type of business imaginable across many industries. Because of this, it gives us a unique vantage point over trends in the business world as our clients and potential customers communicate their plans for their upcoming year and services they will need based on their forecasted business demand.

Without revealing any individual client information and giving you an aggregate picture of those things we are already seeing for 2021, here are 4 trends you can plan for this year:

  1. As Virus Levels Are Coming Down, Businesses Are Gearing Up.
    While we are not out of the woods yet, as more people are getting vaccinated and infection rates are coming down from their December highs, businesses are anticipating demand to grow this year and return to pre-pandemic levels by the 3rd quarter. Now is the time to plan for increased demand later this year and businesses are improving the processes and upgrading their customer service applications with us to meet that demand.
  2. Business Continuity Is A Top Priority.
    While the sudden closure of almost all business in March of 2020 was an unprecedented event, we all know how it seems like these unprecedented events happen frequently these days. Because of this, businesses are putting much more importance on business continuity planning so that if there is a point in the future where employees are unable to be at the company and operations much shift to complete remote work, the company will be ready at a moment’s notice. At Call Management Resources, we helped companies during the pandemic shutdown with remote receptionist services and outsourced customer service. We can be ready at a moment’s notice to take over when a client needs us.
  3. Companies Will Continue To Operate With Less.
    2020 caused many companies to cut budgets and reduced staff because of reduced demand. During these cutbacks, companies became lean and learned how to do more with less. Many decided to outsource parts of their operations, including their customer service to companies like Call Management Resources. As companies have found much value in these new lean solutions, most are planning to maximize these learnings in 2021 and continue to outsource more of their operations while staying lean in hiring internal staff.
  4. Many Businesses Are Planning Only A Partial Return To The Office.
    A majority of office jobs moved to remote work in 2020 in what many thought would be a temporary time. While “only a few weeks” turned into months and a year, many employees have appreciated the newfound flexibility of remote working and companies have found the improved productivity and opportunity to cut real estate costs. Clients have engaged Call Management Resources to provide virtual receptionist work for these remote workers and more are coming online as companies anticipate not returning to offices or only a partial return to the office in the future.

Are you ready to be ahead of the trends and take advantage of the opportunities that 2021 has to offer? At Call Management Resources, we can work with you to pinpoint how you can reduce your expenses, improve your processes, make your organization lean and improve your customer service this year. We are ready to be ready with you! Contact us today.