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The Arctic blast is here. Is your HVAC business ready?

November 11, 2019

Missing customer calls will cost your HVAC business money. 

The National Weather Service is forecasting daily record cold temperatures throughout the U.S. next week. In fact, they anticipate the Arctic blast will break 170 record temperatures and be followed by an extremely harsh winter. This means that if you own an HVAC business, you are about to be really busy. 

It’s a huge opportunity, but it could also be a huge challenge to keep up with all of the calls, messages, and communications to your field techs and customers.  

You can’t afford to miss a single call…And the good news is, you don’t have to! 

How Call Management Resources can help:

For over 60 years, Call Management Resources has made HVAC businesses our specialty. We understand the unique needs and challenges of HVAC companies and can help you become more efficient and more profitable immediately!

No more missed calls

Every missed call costs YOU money. When a customer needs help and you can’t pick up the phone, they’ll simply look for the next number in the phone book. When this happens your competitor wins and you lose. With the help of our US-based agents answering your phone 24/7, you won’t miss another call ever again. 

A helpful voice 24/7

We do far more than answer calls. We provide 24-hour customer service to your customers and prospects, giving them the high-quality service they’d expect from you. 

Happy techs and happy customers

We dispatch your technicians to customers using our error-free dispatching and you don’t have to lift a finger. Gone are those sleepless nights fielding a 3am emergency call and checking to make sure an employee is on their way. Tired of wasting time showing up to an empty house? We can text or call ahead to confirm your client is there to let you in; potentially saving you time and making for a happy customer who knows you are on your way!

Call screening to filter out junk and maximize the calls that make you money

We don’t want to waste your time with junk calls. That’s why we can set up call screening. Like the filter on an HVAC unit, we remove the garbage calls and give you back your time!

Most importantly, affordable pricing for businesses large and small.

Like any small business, price matters.  We understand completely, which is why we offer flexible pricing based on your needs and budget starting for as little $1 a day!

Missed Calls Cost You Money.
Answered Calls Make You Money.
We Answer Calls.